Hardit Chaudhary
Securities and investment advisory services offered through Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. (WFS) member FINRA/SIPC. WFS is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of WFS. PO Box 64284, St. Paul, MN 55164 (800)800-2638
HOT TOPIC: High Foreign Investment in the U.S. – Will It Last?
The United States received almost one-third of all global foreign investment from 2021 to 2023. This article looks at how different types of foreign investment may impact the U.S. economy.
A Critical Combo: Life Insurance with Long-Term Care Benefits
Although long-term care insurance is typically a “use-it-or-lose-it” proposition, these alternatives can help pay for care if it’s needed or provide a death benefit for beneficiaries if it’s not.
HOT TOPIC: What Stubborn Inflation Could Mean for the U.S. Economy
This article looks at some of the reasons behind the inflation numbers, the likely effect on Fed decisions, and the potential economic impact.
New SAVE Repayment Plan Offers Key Benefits
In July 2023, the Department of Education launched a new income-driven repayment plan for federal student loans called the Saving on a Valuable Education Plan.
Required Minimum Distributions
Estimate the annual required distribution from your traditional IRA or former employer's retirement plan after you turn age 73.
Savings Accumulation
Estimate the future value of your current savings.
Home Affordability
Estimate of the maximum amount of financing you can expect to get when you begin house hunting.